day one: start here


Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

- Howard Thurman

We find ourselves in chaotic times. This chaos isn’t new but in the past year it has reached a place where it can no longer be ignored. The question is where do we find ourselves amidst this current level of unprecedented change. Are we the calm, still eye in the center of the storm? Or are we swirling along with the frenzy of the winds? Neither one is good nor bad and yet it’s essential to find ourselves right now. Where are we? Where are you? 

Last year I had a session with two wonderful mystics who told me that my life would be on its best course if I did what I wanted. I liked the sound of that but it was a foreign concept for me. I was always on other people’s schedules, answering to the demands of someone else. My son. My dog. My job. The discipline of my exercise regimen. The rigors of my ambition.

What was said to me reminded me of a verse from my favorite Mary Oliver poem, Wild Geese. You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves. But what did I love? I wasn’t sure. That started a personal journey of being able to answer that question, not only in broad strokes, but in tiny moments - whether it was what to eat or which movie to see. Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t mean we can have what we want at all times but knowing what we want and naming our feelings makes a difference. 

In The Talmud it says, the quickest way to neutralize a demon is to name it. Even the most frightening emotions are more manageable when named. Where are you right now? Today. What are you feeling? You can answer this question a hundred times a day. When you feel out of sorts, when someone asks something of you, pause and ask yourself this question and then listen. This honors yourself. 

To start The When is Now journey with authenticity, we need to know where we are. What is our starting point? Anywhere is okay. Just name it. Scared? Overwhelmed? Exhausted? Happy? Grateful? 

Reflective Journal Prompts 

  1. Locate yourself at the start of this journey. What have you been feeling during these past six months—past weeks—past days? And what do you feel right now? They might be different. 

  2. What does the soft animal of your body love

Discussion Question 

  • If you’re sheltering-in with others or working with others, ask them how they feel? Then just listen. Don’t fix, explain or add meaning. Just listen. 

  • If you have children in your home you can have them draw a gingerbread man to locate where in their body they’re experiencing feelings. They can use markers to illustrate their feelings. Then ask them to describe what they drew. You can even draw one along with them.

Suggested Action

  • Pause 3x today and sense into how you’re feeling and name those feelings.

Feel free to get in touch with questions, leave comments below and join the private Facebook Group to discuss.


what you’ll need


day two: acceptance